To Edward, Bella is that thing he has waited 90 years for – a soul mate. And he doesn’t drink human blood, though Edward and his family are unique among vampires in that lifestyle choice. But he doesn’t have fangs – that’s just in the movies. He can stop a moving car with his bare hands. In no time at all, they are swept up in a passionate and decidedly unorthodox romance – unorthodox because Edward really isn’t like the other boys. He’s intelligent and witty, and he seems to see straight into her soul.

He’s nothing like anyone she’s ever met, period.

For Edward is nothing like any boy she’s ever met. But things do change when she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen.

When her mother remarried and Bella chooses to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she didn’t expect much of anything to change. Never one to run with the crowd, Bella never cared about fitting in with the trendy, plastic girls at her Phoenix, Arizona high school. I wouldn't see it again, thats for sure.Bella Swan has always been a little bit different. The oldies hated it, the middle agers (who knew the basic plot line of the movie) found it a nice romance but fairly boring and the young girls loved it for the sheer fact it was twilight. We took our whole office at the penrith professionals and there were mixed reviews. but i was disappointed by the books towards the end too. I'm just a little disappointed by the way they've dragged this on. but, in the same token, they had to do as its a love story between edward and bella, not bella and jacob. The man that has stolen the show, taylor lautner, since he took his shirt off in the second movie was pushed into the background a little bit in this movie, which i think was the worst thing they could have done. i've never been a fan of Kristin Stewart (insipid droning teenager that she is in all of the movieS) but she actually appears to present somewhat of a decent acting skill in this movie, whereas cold, boring edward (who in the books was a heart-throb) is just as terribly pathetic as he was in the previous movies. The movies seem to be more about capitalising on funds rather than delivering a decent plot. i wouldn't say i LOVE it, but i found the books to be amusing, warm and a good time waster.